Moving Rasa Virtual Groups


We are so glad you can join us! These online spaces are for BIPOC people to be in culturally specific somatic healing community with one another.

We will move at the speed of trust and learn to connect to ourselves, each other and our worlds through movement and relationships.

Moving Rasa
Community Agreements

These agreements gain their power from our investment into them. Which one's do you feel most supported by? Is there any you would modify to better work for you? These serve as our shared foundation which by joining, you are part of!

  1. This is a BIPOC-centered anti-racist space

  2. Names stay, lessons can leave

  3. Speak for our own experience. Please use I statements rather than We or You. You can make observations but ultimately the meaning making and truth for any given person is their truth as your truth and story is solely your truth and story. Avoid should, could would.

  4. Organizing around somatics; we make space for our bodies’ wisdom across abilities

  5. Honoring silence, vulnerability. To have an unshaming heart.  Respecting multiple truths that we are each connected to uniquely and can feel collectively. 

  6. Embrace disruption, share impacts and collective repair  - Ouch/Oops

  7. Make space, Take space, Hold space.  Develop awareness of how much space you are taking up or practice systems of equity.

  8. Participation is self-determined  - If you do not agree with anything being offered, please modify it, disrupt to call in - take responsibility for impact. A. reflection of impact 

  9. The main intention of this space is for consensual group exploration. 

  10. If you are limping you can lean on me, but I cannot carry you. Recognize capacity for self and co-regulation. If someone’s need to regulate is too much for the group then we lean on outside support.

  11.  Acceptance to show up however we are: anger, mourning, joy, and in our pajamas, in our varied gender expressions and pronouns.

  12. Intend to do no harm, seek to repair harm you may have done.

  13. Bhineka Tunggal Ika: Unity in Diversity

  14. Embrace possibilities/tangents regardless of preconceived ideas, merits, systems and cultures. Queer the space.

  15. Don’t assign merits to experiences/ acknowledge contexts and systems

*The seed for these Community Agreements were created by the core collective of the virtual weekly Breathe Again. Special Thanks to Yvonne, Lesley, Rene, Kensing, Saad, Karin and Andrew for creating and refining them together. Further elaborations were made by the October Emergent Retreat 2023 with Nhu, Khalil, Manuel, Luka, Lily May, and Andrew.